Today is micro-volunteering day!
What is micro-volunteering?
There are a few definitions out there, but the most generic one is:
‘bite-sized, on-demand, no commitment actions that benefit a worthy cause’ [source].
Many of us love the idea of volunteering, but find that we don’t have the time in our day-to-day life to commit to a charity or organisation on a regular basis. This is where the idea of micro-volunteering comes in! Anyone can micro-volunteer, whenever they’ve got a spare hour of the day to give something back, or even just a few minutes. You don’t have to volunteer for a specific charity as such either – just volunteering for the Earth as a whole is so important.
How to get involved
This micro-volunteering day we’d love for you to feel inspired to get out there and give something back to Mother Earth. If all of us contributed in a small way, the effects would be huge. Why not head down to your local beach or park this weekend and pick up litter? With lockdown easing and the weather getting warmer, we’ve seen the increase in rubbish being left in public spaces. This could be a great way to help your local community and the environment, whilst also getting outside for some fresh air. If you have children, you may wish to take them with you so they can start taking care of our precious planet and seeing the importance of taking your own litter home with you and always dispose of it appropriately. You can make this a fun activity, which will then (hopefully) make them want to do it again!
The benefits of volunteering for our mental wellbeing
Not only is this great for the cause (in this case our environment), but it’s also great for us as human-beings. Volunteering has many benefits to our mental health and wellbeing. It’s a great way of meeting new people and making friends – the past year has been tough and a lonely time for many of us, so this sense of community that can be built through volunteering is a huge benefit. Volunteering also helps to counteract the effects of stress, anger and anxiety and can combat depression. Researchers have discovered volunteering makes us happy, by measuring hormones and brain activity. The more we give, the happier we feel!
The sense of accomplishment that comes from volunteering also increases self-confidence, helping you to feel better about yourself and have a more positive view of your life and future goals. It also provides a sense of purpose – if you’ve felt a bit lost or without direction, this is a great way to channel your energy into something new or take your mind off your own worries.
We’ve specifically spoken about picking up litter, which is also a form of exercise keeping you physically healthy! Plus the added health benefits of being outdoors and getting some fresh air.
We can help our local area and in turn the environment, in addition to our own wellbeing by taking a small portion of your day/week/month to volunteer in some way. Feel rewarded and proud of yourself for your contribution – whether this is by litter-picking or something else!
If you’re not able to go out and physically help, there’s so many ways you can help spread awareness for causes you care about online/on social media too. We recently joined the South Coast Sirens Facebook group – a group dedicated to cleaner waters on the South Coast and reducing pollution. If this is something you’re interested in, join via this link! or look for a local group near you 🙂
We hope you feel inspired to micro-volunteer in some way to help a cause that is close to your heart. If you do decide to get out and litter pick, make sure to tag us on your socials! @MagicPixiesEco