This lockdown has meant we are limited on things we can do to celebrate this Mother’s Day, and you may be stuck on ideas for how to spoil Mum at home. You don’t need to go spending money on things she may not use – but instead, have a sustainable Mother’s Day following some of our ideas below…

Breakfast In Bed
This is an easy thing to do that will mean the world! It doesn’t need to be fancy or complicated, the thought alone will be appreciated. But if you do want to make it fancy or a little bit artistic – go for it! Shape your food into a heart shape, or decorate the tray in some way… But don’t leave a really messy kitchen for Mum to tidy, and make sure you do the washing up! You can find some great eco-friendly washing up products here. This leads to our next point…
Nice Clean Home
Make Mother’s Day special by giving Mum a break from her usual jobs around the house (although we are very well aware it is not only the mums doing the cleaning around the house these days)! Why not clean the house for her so that she can have a relaxing day and not worry about keeping on top of it herself. You can even help her clean for an activity to do together – why not try making homemade toilet bombs? Check out the recipe here. When cleaning, try and use eco-friendly products – a clean home doesn’t have to cost the be clean at the cost of our precious environment and our wild life. You can find some examples of our favourite cruelty-free products here.
Walk In The Country
One of the things we have been able to do in lockdown is go for our daily exercise – something we’ve been feeling very grateful for! Why not plan out a lovely long walk in the countryside, or by the sea – you can even take a picnic to have on your way (weather permitting of course). This is a lovely way to spend time with Mum, whilst also spending time with nature and getting some exercise! Try and walk from your home rather than driving anywhere for the walk if you can – be creative 🙂
Wildly Picked Flowers
This is another great way to show Mum some appreciation without spending any money! Head out in your local area and find some wild flowers – please make sure they are wild and not planted as you cannot pick these! The rules are you can pick wildflowers, but make sure you just pick the stem and do not uproot the whole plant. Now is a great time to find some wild flowers growing in woods and hedgerows – just be careful not to mix these up with planted flowers in the local park!
Home Cooked Sustainable Dinner
Why not cook your Mum something to show her how much you care about her? You could cook her favourite meal, or maybe something new – either would be impressive! Try and use sustainable ingredients… If you’re buying meat try and get this from a butcher or organic source. Head to your local green grocers to pick up some fresh ingredients, or you could even go foraging for some wild garlic if there are any spots in your local area! Make the meal extra special by decorating the table – perhaps with wild flowers or homemade leaf confetti!
We hope you’ve found these ideas helpful – have a lovely Mother’s Day and don’t forget to tag us on social media in any posts if you do any of the above!
Magic Pixies x